
Level 1

You Will learn a range of tricks, spins & transitions around & Up the pole. Towards the end of class, we will choreograph some fun combos for you, this will teach you how to gracefully transition on and off the pole.

At a minimum of 1 class per week, we advise you to take 6-8 weeks to progress through this level & to ensure you have covered everything before moving onto Intermediate 1 level.


Level 2

This class is the next level up from Beginners. We advise you have at least 8-10 weeks behind you at this stage, are confident with climbing the pole and basic invert.

We work on climbs, inverts and spins. You will take your inverting skills to the next level by focusing on perfecting movements with correct technique AND POINTED TOES! You will continue to work on more advanced tricks, spins & transitions which we will combine into combos towards the end of the class to increase your stamina, strength & sass.

At a minimum of 1 class per week, we advise you take 6-8 weeks to progress through this level & to ensure you have covered everything before moving onto Intermediate 2 level.

Level 3

For Intermediate 2 you must be confident in moves such as inverts, climbs, leg locks & sits.

You will continue to advance in level of spins & transitions & you will start to combine inverted tricks. We will continue to put together fun combos and flow towards the end of class to increase your stamina, strength & sass.

At a minimum of 1 class per week, we advise you take 8 – 16 weeks to progress through this level & to ensure you have covered everything before moving onto Advance level.